Transcription Services


Many clients like to have their conference presentations and discussions transcribed so that they can keep an accurate record and hand out key note speeches in their conference packs.

We are more than happy to transcribe your conferences, whether you need the speeches, the breakout sessions or any Q&A discussions, and we can happily manage even the more technical subjects that crop up in a business conference – we’ve even had to research the names of Norwegian oilfields for a client in the past!

Add value for your conference participants by asking us to provide a ‘real time’ transcript – we transcribe your conference in 15 minute segments, get them back to you within the hour and make sure that within an hour of the close of the event you have a complete and accurate record of everything that happened.

Clients also use our transcripts to help them edit video footage recorded by AV companies.

Contact us for an informal chat on 0131 510 5105 or complete the online enquiry form.